Asterisk cmd GotoIfTime

2010年3月10日 (水) 12:35時点におけるおおうら (トーク | 投稿記録)による版 (新しいページ: ' GotoIfTime(<time range>|<days of week>|<days of month>|<months>?[[context|]extension|]pri) Asterisk 1.6 GotoIfTime(<time range>,<days of week>,<days of month>,<months...')
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<time range>|<days of week>|<days of month>|<months> 
        <time range>= <hour>':'<minute>'-'<hour>':'<minute>  
                      | "*" 
        <days of week> = <dayname> 
                      |  <dayname>'-'<dayname> 
                      | "*" 
        <dayname> = "sun" | "mon" | "tue" | "wed" | "thu" | "fri" | "sat" 
        <days of month> = <daynum> 
                       |  <daynum>'-'<daynum> 
                       | "*" 
        <daynum> = a number, 1 to 31, inclusive 
        <hour> = a number, 0 to 23, inclusive 
        <minute> = a number, 0 to 59, inclusive 
        <months> = <monthname> 
                   | <monthname>'-'<monthname> 
                   | "*" 
        <monthname> = "jan" | "feb" | "mar" | "apr" | "may" | "jun" | "jul" | "aug" | "sep" | "oct" | "nov" | "dec"